- Posts from Awesome Folks
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- Post from Awesome Folks #7
Post from Awesome Folks #7

Hey folks,
It's been lovely and sunny here this week, I hope things are treating you all well,
This week there are lots of links about people and culture, which is a topic that is always at the top of my list, treat people well and they will treat you well back.
Enjoy and let me know if there is anything here that you'd like to chat more about.
People and culture

The Best Leaders Have a Contagious Positive Energy
Researchers found that it supersedes charisma, influence, power, personality, attractiveness, and genius.
How to Ask Whether an Employee Is Happy at Work
People quit jobs all the time — for better pay or a more exciting opportunity, to escape a toxic culture, or because they’ve reached an impasse in their current job. Some feel because they don’t feel valued by their manager or organization
How Shifts in Remote Behavior Affect Employee Well-Being
Adapting remote work policies to address employees’ specific work-life situations can result in increased well-being and productivity. In March 2020, a large share of
businesses had to make remote work a norm, five days a week.
Hybrid Works for Teams, But Not for Cross-Functional Teamwork. Here's What to Do About It.
Cross-functional teams--like project teams and task forces with members from different departments or functions--have long been critical to an organization's success. But cross-functional teamwork often falls short of expectations.
Leaders, Stop Rewarding Toxic Rock Stars
Most of us have known a high performer who is a bully at work or a leader who delivers results but creates a toxic environment. These “toxic rock stars” can ruin the workplace experience for most employees, but they’re particularly harmful to women of color.
Is There A Need For New Pay? If So, For Whom?
In German-speaking countries, "New Pay" has been used recently for compensation approaches in agile or self-organising environments. But a study by New Pay Collective and the Pforzheim University shows most of the New Pay ideas can be effective more widely.
Leave the Door Open for Employees to Return to Your Organization
Leaving an organization doesn’t have to be seen as the end of the relationship with a former employee.
Organisations and systems

3 signs that self-management is working in your organisation
Here are some clues to look out for when your organisation is on the way to becoming self-managing. Many people give up on self-management when it doesn’t yield results quickly enough.
TBM 18/52: We Need Someone Who Has Done "It" Before
Have you (or your company) tried repeatedly to hire for Role X? And failed? Do you have a revolving door situation at your company?
Setting and measuring goals

OKR Leadership: Without Product Discovery Your Teams are Just Guessing
This is the second post in a series on why and how leadership has to change to support OKR success. You can find the first post here. There’s a case study in our second book, Sense & Respond, about a German-language Netflix competitor called Maxdome.
Tools and approaches for teams

My Product Management Toolkit (51): Thoughtful Disagreement
I like that Ray Dalio thinks there is such a thing as ‘thoughtful disagreement’. If you’d asked me a few years ago, I’d probably told you that there’s no such thing as disagreeing thoughtfully. In my mind, back then, it was simple: you either agree or disagree, and that’s it.
Your secret superpower for facilitation
Shift from a performance mindset to a curiosity mindset. As a facilitator, have you ever felt pressure to have all the information, relied too heavily on your presentation slides, or led like the voice of authority in the room? If so, you’re likely falling victim to a Performance Mindset.
A step-by-step guide to running a customer journey mapping workshop
Mapping your customer journey is an effective method to understand customers’ experience with your company, product, or service. Replace the word “customer” with “user” or “employee”, and now you can dig deeper into their experience too, and by digging, find areas of improvement.

This week in community building
☀️ Good day everyone! 🌟 This week I published a 3000+ word guide to community flywheels which pulls together my thoughts and previous writing on the topic from the past couple of years. 📅 I've been reconsidering events that I'm hosting and seeing as conversations are at the heart of community building I'm