Posts from Awesome Folks #46

A weekly round up of blog posts I've been reading this week.


This week I have mostly been heads down and creating; I've been very fortunate to work closely with Jamie Arnold and Katherine Wastell at Public Digital. It's been great being able to collaborate with two wonderful, smart people. Ideas flow, we openly share, things get done and we finish the day feeling motivated. The power of small, autonomous teams with high levels of trust.

So it's unsurprising that the majority of this week's posts are about people and culture. There is lots to dig into this week, from high-trust workplaces to communities and rethinking hierarchy. 

Enjoy and happy Friday


People and Culture

By Ashley Reichheld and Amelia Dunlop

By Fabian Pfortmüller


By Morela Hernandez and Christina Lacerenza

By Timothy R. Clark

By People Managing People

By Ruchi Parchur

Organisations and Systems

By Nicolai J. Foss and Peter G. Klein

Setting and Measuring Goals

By Marc Abraham

Tools and Approaches for Teams

By Alex Ewerlöf

Other Things

This post from Audree chimes with things that I and others I know have been thinking about recently and I appreciate her writing it. Thanks Audree.

By Audree Fletcher

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