Posts from Awesome Folks #71

A weekly round up of blog posts I've been reading

Hello folks,

I scribbled a quick flow chart in 2018 to describe some frustration I was feeling over the use of the word “resources” and tweeted it out. Every now and then, that tweet gets a flurry of interaction, and this is one of those weeks, so I thought I’d share it here.

People don’t like being called resources; it dehumanises them and suggests they are interchangeable. Calling anything else resources creates ambiguity and is confusing.

I’d hear people say things like, “We can’t start this piece of work; we don’t have enough resources”. What does that mean? Money, people, time, chairs, pens? You can’t solve that problem when you don’t know what it is.

I also turned that tweet into some stickers, which you can download to pring here, and a click-through guide that you can find here.

A good reminder to be clear, be kind. Language matters

Enjoy this week’s posts, and happy Friday.


People and Culture

Outcomes and Objectives

Team Approaches