Posts from Awesome Folks #84

A weekly round up of blog posts I've been reading

Hello folks,

A week and a bit ago, I took part in a LinkedIn audio event to kick off the Mapping Ties series. Together with Phil Reid and Olga Vtorushina and hosts Sophie August and Anamaria Dorgo, we talked about the landscapes in which communities of practice exist. I don’t think the audio is live yet, but here’s a snippet of what I shared. The series has some more events, which you can sign up for at

Enjoy this week’s reads, and happy Friday.


People and Culture

Organisations and Systems

Team Approaches

Facilitation and Decision making

Other Things

As someone who spent six years at art college and has a masters degree in Fine Art, I really value the skills and approaches that it equipped me with and how valuable they are for what I do now, so it was nice to read this.